I’ll do my best to explain as short and sweet as I can and everyone can add what they know as well. Please remember this is my recollection so others may have corrections. Also please note that this is an ongoing case and I’m not trying to publish my opinions…….yet.
I will not name them on here as anything more than what the prosecutor names them, alleged murderers. I don’t want anyone stumbling across this site to think I’m publishing defamatory statements………yet…
Things that we learned today that we didn’t know:
1. Jimi’s car was not where Bob, Butch, Steve and myself thought, It appears that our detective work after the fact was incorrect.
2. The DPD Officers were much closer than we originally thought.
3. The Officers surrounded the area in an extremely fast manner and left the two with no where to go.
4. The two had parked ten to twelve blocks away and walked to where Jimi was.
5. They both confessed without coercion and their stories don’t exactly match.
6. They both had ski masks and one of them had gloves. One of them did admit to wearing a ski mask
7. They found the handgun in close proximity to (20 ft. or so) to where the two were found
8. One of them confessed to having the gun and had gun shot residue on his hand
9. It was a K-9 Officer that found them hiding under a bush in someone’s back yard (NOTE: If you knew Jimi’s love for dogs you’d see the irony in a dog finding his alleged murderers)
10. One of them admitted to just want the car to sell it to a chop shop
11. Neither of them said anything to Jimi, It appears as though (at this point) they tried the door handle on the car, found it was locked so they fired at him through the window two times
12. The prosecutor has added two charges to each of the two defendants
13. The new charges should be posted on the Wayne county Sheriff’s website tomorrow 6-23-2009
(Click on Jail Division on the left hand side, then click on Inmate Info Online, Next click the link Search Inmate information and type in the last /first of either defendant and it will give you the list of charges)
14. The next court date is June 29 at 9:00 am. It will be at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and I believe that it will be where the two will be allowed to enter their plea of guilty or not guilty
This was approximately two and a half hours of really hot courtroom time to hear these things so be assured that this is only the icing and not the cake. As I said in the beginning of this post, I’ll keep it as correct as I can…..until this is all over…………Then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone that was there this day, please feel free to add to this either by comment or send it to me in email and I’ll add it to this post directly.
Thank You for the update, I think the whole family appreciates it
Love Barb
Can you please list here or email me the defendants names so I (WE) can follow these losers’ demise on the jail’s website.
Thanks, Jimi’s friends at AutoAlliance.
I emailed the names to you. If they don’t show up, check your spam filter 🙂