Thanks Sargent Garza for the great pictures! These were taken in a conference room at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and out front as well. This was when the family and friends that were there in court got to meet and say Thank You to the Detroit Police officers that were there and did… Continue reading Pictures from Friday Nov. 20
Category: Court Proceedings
We’ll post the court dates and comments here as we get them
Court on Nov. 20th and 23rd
Hi everyone, Here’s what happened in court on Friday and Monday: Friday, Calvin McCullough was given his sentence Murder in the second degree which gets him the 23 to50 years in prison that he accepted in a plea bargain. Debbie and Roberta (Bobbie) read the family’s Impact Statement (Which I will add to this posting).… Continue reading Court on Nov. 20th and 23rd
Update 11-17-2009
We heard today that the court date for Friday is still on but only one of the defendants will be up for sentencing. The other defendant will be sentenced on Monday November 23rd. Also for the family and friends, We (Maison Martial Arts) are hosting a karate tournament in Jimi’s Honor on December 5th at… Continue reading Update 11-17-2009
The whole story of May 10 & 11….
For those of you that have only heard bits and pieces, I’ll type (to the best of my ability) the whole story here after the sentencing date (Nov. 20) in an attempt to clear up all of the rumors. So watch here and I’ll post it as soon as I can after the 20th. Meanwhile… Continue reading The whole story of May 10 & 11….
Court Case
Well folks, As promised here’s an update: The shooter, Randy Richardson took a plea bargain deal of 35 years plus 5 years to 60 years for Murder in the second degree. The accomplice, Calvin McCullough took a plea bargain deal of 23 to 50 years for Murder in the second degree. The actual sentencing date… Continue reading Court Case
Court on Nov. 2nd
If you’re planning on going to court with the family on November 2nd, Please email or call me. There is some news that I can share but not on the internet. AJ
Upcoming court date
Hi everyone, I wanted to give you an update on the trial that will (as of now) start on November 2nd since there have been so many folks asking. I spoke with our court appointed advocate yesterday (Thursday 10-22-09) and asked if there was anything that had developed since our last court date, she told… Continue reading Upcoming court date
Court on 8-14
Well, the two defendants didn’t file any motions by the 7th so they just went before the judge for the same things as the last court date. We did however get to meet with the prosecuting attorney and ask questions, she told us how she was going to proceed and why. She showed us how… Continue reading Court on 8-14
Court on 7-10-2009
Well today we learned that the trial will begin on November 2nd at 9:00 am. It will be in courtroom 703 at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and the judge is Judge Michael Callahan. We also learned that the defendants have until August 7th to file any and all motions and if they file,… Continue reading Court on 7-10-2009
Court on 6-29-2009
If you were not able to attend, you didn’t miss anything. I was simply something to do with one of the two defendant’s probation violation. The next court date is July 10 at 8:30 am at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice. We were told that it will be brief but we will be given… Continue reading Court on 6-29-2009