Well, the two defendants didn’t file any motions by the 7th so they just went before the judge for the same things as the last court date. We did however get to meet with the prosecuting attorney and ask questions, she told us how she was going to proceed and why. She showed us how the whole process works and told us about the judge himself. So, here’s what I can pass on:
The prosecuting attorney is a no holds barred/no sugar coat kind of person and she’s been with the prosecutor’s office for 8 years.
There will more than likely will be 2 separate jury’s
The law in Michigan says that they will be charges with Murder 1 or the lesser charge of Murder 2 (The goal is Murder 1 for both defendants)
We learned more about the crime it’self but I won’t make it public over the internet.
There may be one more court date between now and the trial.
More to come…….