I’ve been thinking about you lately and wanted to write on the website! Warning: it will be random thoughts
I love that the motorcycle ride has gotten better every year! I hate how that’s not true for the tournament!
I love knowing your always around! But I hate knowing your gone!
I re-read all of the posts on your website and bawled my eyes out! I am having a really tough time right now! Things just keep getting worse for us!
We have lost a lot of loved ones within the last few years and there have been 5 heavy hits to me this year alone!
I get that things will get better! I understand that we are just having a rough spot but I am really hoping something changes soon! I will continue to (try) look on the brighter side! See the glass as half full instead of half empty!
I will continue to live life to the fullest and appreciate everything god has given us!
I will think of you often and remember you always!
Miss you constantly! Hope to see you in a dream SOON!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (in advance)
Love Always, Krystal
BTW help me out with your cats 🙂